The morning after…

September 2, 2021

This website was launched a week ago. Finally.  I had been working on it for over a year with help. Katie Cooper-Bussell with Lemon Life Design finally held the keys I needed and with patience, skill and good humor, created the structure I wanted. I was excited and scared.  All the things.  Main thought: What if I throw a party and nobody comes?  It is humbling and exciting to note right now, as I write this, that there have been 562 visits to the site in a week (no more than 2 dozen of those visits were me!) and I’ve sold 6 paintings. I’ve also had some wonderful conversations with old friends in the process. 


This is a piece of a painting I did in February called, “Same Adventure, New Chapter”.  I came home and painted it after helping a friend’s sister move.  Isn’t it all the same adventure?  We just keep peeking around the next corner, leaning into the next curve, holding the steering wheel tightly so as to keep all 4 wheels on the road, at least most of the time? I’m still the same little girl.  Still afraid. Still brave. Still curious. Still creating. I can’t help it.


Volcanoes and other energy….


To blog or not to blog,… Or, Who Am I?